Monday 20 June 2016

Building Apps with MIT App Inventor 2


The world as we know it is changing, we are leaving the 21st century gradually. Technology is already taking over in many instances and some people are getting left behind. It's a new world out there, a game changing world and when the game changes, we ought to adapt to the new changes. People have different ideas, imaginations and innovations that can be brought to life if well nutured.
Many people wish to express themselves but are hindered by different kinds of resources. Such recources includes:
  • Lack of tools
  • Lack of technical know how
  • Inadequate information disparsal
  • Non access to financial resources.
Some other people are working round the clock to find solutions to some "if not all" of the aforementioned problems. They noticed that the main reason people repudiate this new changes is their low level of technical know how. They despise programming. For them technology is boring; as you need to study hard and stress yourself writing lines of jargons. To make progrmming easy while carrying everybody along with the changes in the new world, some people sacrificed their time and efforts to build some thing that would make you develop a programm without writng codes. 

Yes! You can write a programm without having any knowledge of programming. All you'll need is the willingness to adapt to change. And wherever there is a will, there is suarely a way. 


To start creating your apps, you'll need the following:
  1. A laptop or a desktop
  2. Internet access
  3. A google account
  4. And the will to create
Once all of this is acquired, head to MIT API2 website and login with your google account.

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